The Story of a Family who didn’t deserve it
By L. AlRegib on October 20, 2023 On October 20, a group of Gaza kids who got attacked by Israeli airstrikes were brought into a hospital. It had been two weeks of constant bombing and […]
By L. AlRegib on October 20, 2023 On October 20, a group of Gaza kids who got attacked by Israeli airstrikes were brought into a hospital. It had been two weeks of constant bombing and […]
Last year, during Ramadan 1433 (April 2022), our scouting group was invited by Ethaar (a community-based, not-for-profit organization that serves local refugees and underserved families) to help pack and distribute food bags and boxes to […]
By: Osama Mourad The Scouting program is designed to serve youth, but adults involvement is one of the most important points. The “Scout Shirt” example in the “Orientation for New Boy Scout Parents” and representing […]
MAS Give is excited to present its third annual Hearts for Humanity project, in which all MAS chapters, masjids, MSAs, clubs, institutions, communities, and individuals nationwide can participate and contribute in raising funds and awareness […]
Years before we started our Pack and Troop 12, Ms. Karen A. Danielek began her Scouting Adventure as Pack Committee Member when her son Steven became a Cub Scout in 1981. By the time Steven […]
By Osama Mourad Al Hamd Lellah, I am invited for the second time to serve in a Wood Badge course, which is the advanced leadership training for boy scout leaders. God willing, I will be on […]
By Osama Mourad Nobody lives without sacrificing, you sacrifice in everything you do. For example, you may decide to take a taxi and pay more money than taking a bus because you are late, here you […]
Join now and don’t be late, we will have our Derby Car Race and a Pack Meeting with the Georgia Reptile Society during March plus two camps in April (BB Shooting, Bows & Arrows, Slingshots, […]
By Osama Mourad Atlanta masjids open their doors for Hurricane Irma evacuees, which is great, but while we are spending the effort to provide relief to those who are evacuating we can get prepared for what […]
By Osama Mourad Islam is not a religion that you can practice only inside the Masjid or at home, to be able to practice Islam, and not just part of it, you need to go out. […]
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