A Boy Scout troop is a small democracy. With the Scoutmaster’s direction, the boys are formed into patrols, plan the troop’s program, and make it a reality. In order for that to happen, a troop relies upon Scouts serving in positions of responsibility. The key boy leaders of the troop make up the patrol leaders’ ­council. They are the senior patrol leader, assistant ­senior patrol leader, patrol leaders, and troop guides of any new-Scout patrols.

If you are ready to serve the troop, please fill in the below form.

  • * Elected Position, ** Appointed by PL # Appointed by Scoutmaster. All other positions are appointed by the SPL after attending a 20 minutes interview with the Senior Patrol Leader and the Scoutmaster team. Learn more about these positions here: https://troopleader.scouting.org/troop-positions/
  • You are required to address your constituents’ scouts with a speech for 2 minutes. Think of what you plan say in your speech. List here what you plan to do for the troop/patrol during your term in office if elected/selected. This can include and is not limited to Outings, adventures, activities, training, troop meetings, what you see need to be fixed and how to fix it if any. There are no limits, if you can dream it, you can do it.
  • If you did not have a previous position, say none.
  • If you did not have a previous position, say none.
  • If you did not have a previous position, say none.
    Both Parent and Scout acknowledge and agree to the following conditions of the position:
    • The scout will attend at least 80 percent of Weekly Sunday Meetings.
    • The scout will attend at least 80 percent of Monthly PLC Meetings.
    • The scout will attend at least 80 percent of all Troop and or Patrol outings.
    • The scout is expected to be in Class A uniform at all meetings, unless instructed otherwise by the Scout Master.
    • It is expected that the parent will ensure his transportation to all Troop and or Patrol meetings.
    • The Patrol Leader is responsible for coordinating Patrol outing in conjunction with the ASM for his Patrol and with the SPL to make sure there is no conflict with the troop activities.
    • The Patrol Leader is responsible for coordinating the menu for campouts, assigned to his patrol. If a patrol member does not provide the food items assigned, it is the responsibility of the Patrol Leader to go shopping and obtain the menu items prior to the campout. This is the responsibility of the PL, even if he DOES NOT plan to attend the outing. If receipts are provided, the cost of the items will be reimbursed by the Troop, to the scout/Parent, shortly after the campout.
    • The SPL or PL may have other responsibilities as related to Troop or Patrol plans.
  • Copy of the form will be sent to the parent